
Juniper Has Things on Her Head


Juniper’s First Days Warm

After doctors warmed Juniper up, we still didn’t know if she would would wake up. Doctors had 2 predictions: “Nope” and “Probably Nope”
Michael Holding Juniper, First time
I got to hold her some. But mostly, we sat next to her crib, singing her favorite songs, reading Juniper the Happiest Fox (by Jessica Coker)and holding hands. Well, we held hands even while Juniper was cooled.

Because the future was unknown, we just tried to be grateful for the time we were getting with our tiny human.

Read More About the First Few Weeks


Holding Juniper for the First Time

I don’t know if every parent remembers the first time they get to hold their little one, but I certainly do. Juniper was 4 or 5 days old. She had just made it through 3 days of “cooling,” where she looked like a small, tepid blueberry and to the surprise of Drs., woke up.

Hospital policy normally prevents parents from holding intubated patients, but made an exception for Danielle. We were both wrecked, without sleep or showers for days. But holding, for those few minutes, we got to forget about the past few days. And even though we were surrounded by the beeps, bleeps, humm and buzz of machines… And even though she had wires and tubes attached to nearly every part of her body- we got to be a family for the first time.

The next few days, we reunited regularly. We even got showers & a few hours of sleep. Eventually, beeps and hums faded down the hall to other rooms, as Juniper stabilized.

Read more about the first few months on our Caring Bridge Blog


Juniper Jude: Sleeping on People

Asleep with Dad
Juniper Jude Sleeping on Dad
Asleep With Mom
Juniper Jude Sleeping on Mommy
Sleeping on Mom
Juniper Jude, Sleeping on Mommy
Sleeping on Granpa Joe
Juniper Jude, Sleeping on Grandpa Joe
Sleeping on Aunt Michelle
Juniper Jude, Sleeping on Aunt Michelle
Sleeping on Mommy
Juniper Jude, Sleeping on Mommy
Sleeping on Mommy
Juniper Jude, Sleeping on Mommy